Tuesday, January 5, 2010

First post!

I'm starting this blog to write my journey towards going green! This past year we have started a few little green things. Now I'm intrigued to go green! I'm starting a lot of research and looking for good books to buy, for more knowledge. here are some ways we were going to go green and learn about in our home!

  1. recycle paper( We started last year) Also learn other ways to recycle with getting my three year old daughter involved.

  2. Start our own fresh veg. and fruit garden! ( we did a few last summer with out three year old,but I would like learn more knowledge about gardening.

  3. Go in with my parents and buy a cow that is feed grass. Where they use NO pesticides, growth hormones and steroids.

  4. Finding a farm around grand rapids where we can get organic eggs and milk. Possible fruits and veggies. also, depending on how our garden does with the little sunlight we receive.(Also think they girls would get a joy out of going to a farm to get supplies).

  5. learn to bake gluten free,make homemade(organic) foods, along with natural home remedies

  6. Learn to can( I will start that by garage sailing; finding mason jars!)

  7. Driving less when it starts to get nice out again!( we will be buying new bikes(used maybe) and a bike trailer for the girls to sit in!) We will use those for around here(short distances!

I would love advice if you have some about going green and all natural! I will post about things i research, and advice I think is good to know!

To end this post we took our girls out and pulled them in the sled this weekend. It was Vivian's first time and she Loved it! Pictures at the top!

1 comment:

  1. I've got a long way to go til I'm really green. But my contribution is I make home decore by redesigning from castoffs -- many came from the side of the road. Besides being green, it's thrifty (I AM a dutch girl!), creative, and FUN. You could get a lot of ideas at my blog. Good luck with your green goals and your new blog.
